What people are saying

Guidance to Healing
I met Jake months into my benzo withdrawal, when I didn’t know what was wrong with me. It was a terrifying and bewildering time with repeated hospitalisations and many baffling physical and psychological symptoms. Jake’s knowledge and care allowed me to understand what was happening, and more importantly learn to live with the fallout of a rapid taper. Thanks to Jake’s guidance, support, and encouragement, I am now living a fulfilling life and well on my way to being BETTER than before my benzo journey.
N. D.

Exceptional Coach
S. H.

From Hopelessness to Friendship
It was an isolating journey until Jake stepped into my life. He was able to instantly start building a rapport with me that led into what feels like an organic friendship. He helped replace hopelessness with positive behaviors and explained how all the triggers in life could be sidestepped in favor of brighter subjects and better practices. His empathy and compassion are outstanding in so many ways. I have never met someone as kind as Jake.
I think the best thing about Jake was his ability to understand exactly what I was going through when even medical professionals are lacking in this area. Having someone to root in your corner at the worst of withdrawals is what (to me) makes the biggest difference between success and failure. Jake was able to offer help with building taper plans, mathing out the math that didn’t make sense to me and helping me learn how to advocate for myself at my doctors’ appointments.
Jake will forever be regarded in my house as the man who made the impossible happen.
M. G.

A Safe Space
H. O.

Unwavering Support
M. S.

Empathetic and Insightful Support
I have benefitted in countless ways by having Jake on my side during my recovery from benzodiazepine withdrawal and from mental illness in general. I know I can always be vulnerable and open with him and when doing so, that I will always be met with understanding, empathy and often well-timed and much-needed humour. When needing guidance, Jake goes far beyond simple reassurances and instead approaches the situation from multiple perspectives in order to gain the full picture to help as comprehensively as possible. Also, his extensive knowledge about the influence of pre-existing mental health issues and trauma on benzodiazepine withdrawal and vice versa was extremely insightful as we approached my healing in a holistic way. Finally, one of my favourite things of about Jake is that he always makes me feel seen and heard – benzodiazepine withdrawal is one of the most isolating experiences a human can have but I never felt alone knowing I had Jake in my corner.
Thank you for helping me get my life back, Jake.
Z. J.

Generous Mentor
I cannot say enough about Jake and how generous he has been with his knowledge, kindness, and time. He has given so much to the benzodiazepine recovery community without ever asking for anything in return. When I first joined his support group, I was at the lowest point in my life, and now I am almost finished with my master’s degree and have hope for the future. I’ll never be able to adequately thank Jake for all that he has given me as both a mentor and a friend.
D. S.

Guidance from Experience
Jake has been an amazing and invaluable resource during my benzo healing journey. His depth of knowledge and expertise on benzodiazepine tapering and healing has helped me significantly during my rocky multi-year taper. Coupled with his own personal experience, having been through it himself, it puts him in a very unique position to help others struggling with it. His caring and empathetic attitude makes such a difference. I can’t thank him enough.